Community Outreach
Our community outreach programs consist of the Campaign Against Human Trafficking, the Women to Women Campaign, Angel Tree, and the Food Pantry Drive.
Our community outreach programs consist of the Campaign Against Human Trafficking, the Women to Women Campaign, Angel Tree, and the Food Pantry Drive.
The Campaign Against Human Trafficking serves the Southshore CAHT by providing backpacks for survivors of human trafficking.
The Women to Women Campaign supports the Mary & Martha House by providing the Mary & Martha House with health and hygiene items for women who have undergone domestic abuse and violence and who may also be in financial need. Mary & Martha House has a high rate in returning these women to gainful employment and sustainable housing.
The Angel Tree is a huge program. Annually we provide several hundred gifts to underserved children and families of the Wimauma community through our partnership with Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Younger children receive toys, and older children receive gift cards. The Church also conducts a lottery for bicycles donated for the children. This program is great fun for our VL community, as well. Men and women gather together in the Social Hall to celebrate the season and wrap gifts for children. Those gifts are then transported to the Church for distribution to the children. Click the community outreach feature button to learn more about this program. (Photo - Our elves at work!)
The Food Pantry program began with the collection of food staples prior to Thanksgiving. We now collect packaged, canned or bagged food throughout the year in our food pantry box in the lobby of the Clubhouse near the front desk. Prior to Thanksgiving we add additional drop off sites at individual homes in VL for the convenience of residents. Click the community outreach feature button to learn more about this program.
The Scholarship program provides graduating seniors from Sumner High School with a one-time scholarship. Students must meet selection criteria which includes financial need, academic achievement and other factors. Our Club believes education is the key to success for children. An online fundraiser as well as our Spring Tea Party and Fashion Show raise the money needed to fund scholarships. Click the education feature button to learn more about this program.
The Back-to-School Supplies program is popular with our community. The club asks residents and members to purchase supplies from a school list and drop them at the Clubhouse and other designated collection sites. Supplies are inventoried and divided between Wimauma Elementary and Reddick Elementary. Both of these schools serve children in Wimauma. Click the education feature button to learn more about this program. Special school projects and requests are also included in this drive.
The Scholarship program provides graduating seniors from Sumner High School with a one-time scholarship. Students must meet selection criteria which includes financial need, academic achievement and other factors. Our Club believes education is the key to success for children. An online fundraiser as well as our Spring Tea Party and Fashion Show raise the money needed to fund scholarships. Click the education feature button to learn more about this program.
The Back-to-School Supplies program is popular with our community. The club asks residents and members to purchase supplies from a school list and drop them at the Clubhouse and other designated collection sites. Supplies are inventoried and divided between Wimauma Elementary and Reddick Elementary. Both of these schools serve children in Wimauma. Click the education feature button to learn more about this program. Special school projects and requests are also included in this drive.
Moffitt Cancer Research
Our Club has a long and wonderful relationship with Moffitt Cancer Research Center. The “Walk and Roll for A Cure” is the primary fundraiser for Moffitt. On a designated Saturday in the Fall, residents begin at the Clubhouse and walk the path around the big lake or ride in golf carts. They return to the Clubhouse for a light breakfast, a raffle and an auction. Click the Moffitt feature button to learn more about this program.