Board of Directors
chevron_rightHow do I run for a Board Member position? Nominations for Board positions begin in September. Contact the board president and she will tell you the procedure to be nominated. Elections occur at the November General Meeting.
Club Charities
chevron_rightHow do I donate to one of the Club's charities? Thank you for your generosity! Please locate the feature boxes on the right hand side of the Home Page. You will see a donate button. Click on the donate button and select the charity of your choice. All payments go through We Pay and require use of a credit card. Thank you in advance for supporting our charities.
chevron_rightWhen are VL West Women's Club meetings? Meetings are held bi-monthly, usually on the the 3rd Saturday of the month. See the calendar on the website for details of upcoming meetings. Meetings are held in the Social Hall from 10:30-12:30.
chevron_rightWhat are the annual dues for the Women's Club? $30 per year on your anniversary date. See your profile to obtain your anniversary date.
chevron_rightIf I become a member, am I required to participate in a certain number of events or serve on Committees? No. We are a philanthropic organization dedicated to fellowship and such charities as, Food Pantry, Moffitt Cancer Research, School Supplies (to name just a few). We encourage our members to participate in events because that is how you meet friends and get the most out of the Club. However there is no minimum requirement.
chevron_rightDoes the Club hold social functions in addition to its philanthropic work? Yes, our General Meetings are a great opportunity to socialize with friends and meet new ones. Also many of our fundraisers (Spring Tea Party, Walk for A Cure) are fashioned to promote social interchange among our members. In addition, we hold two “members only”
events each year - the free Membership Luncheon in April and the Holiday Luncheon in December.
New Residents
chevron_rightAs a new resident, may I attend a club meeting before coming a member? Absolutely! At every meeting we have volunteer ambassadors in the lobby to greet guests. They will be holding a sign that says “New members and guests - Stop here”. They will escort you into the Social Hall and find a seat for you at a welcoming table. Before or after the meeting please feel free to ask any Board member or anyone on the Membership Committee questions about the Club. You can recognize members of the Membership Committee because they will be wearing a flower in their hair.